Pendisite the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the then Garsoore kastaa wuxuu soosaaraa dhaldhalaalka cagaaran ee cagaaran, xasuusata cawska verdan iyo kaymaha emratd. Liiska Dahabka Dahabka ah Ku dar taabasho farshaxan, halka crystars glostened ah ay ku dhexjiraan qaabka u keena in la jajabiyo gabal gabal gabal. Haddii uu u xidhnaa astaan kalgacal ama lagu daro midab midab ah oo iskuxiran, cajaladaan dhalaalka ah ayaa hubaal ah inay noqdaan kuwa sharafta leh, oo ay ku jecel yihiin quruxdooda quruxda badan iyo muhiimadooda dareenka.
Wax | Yf22-sp023 |
Soojiidashada Pendent | 11 * 22mm / 7.3g |
Wax | Naxaasta leh rhinestones / dhaldhalaalka |
Rakaasiin | 18k dahab ah |
Dhagax weyn | Crystal / Rhiestone |
Midab | Cad |
Hab | Fashion / Cinwaan |
OEM | La ogolaan karo |
Keenis | Qiyaastii 25-30 maalmood |
Isku xiris | Sanduuqa Xirmooyinka / Xogta Hadiyadda |